Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Told ya...

There are still 2 weeks left on my time line and gold prices have hit 1096; a whopping 4 dollars away from my 1100 target.

1200-1250 or higher by the end of the year. Write it down. Do you understand that this is going to happen, or are you still letting Robert Prechtor convince you Gold is going to $250?

I'm in the process of changing my title from "Financial Manager" to "Psychic". I think I'll have more look convincing people what's going to happen by telling them "The neighbors dog told me the market was going to crash" than by giving them any sort of actual logical and fundamental reasons why.

1100 is here, 1200 is sooner than you think. Trust me, it says it right here on the crystal ball.


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