Monday, September 14, 2009

A letter to China...

I hope and pray that when what we know is going happen does, that China is able to show more diplomacy, ethics and good sense towards the American citizen's than we show to them...

Let me start by saying America is NOT comprised of 304 million "Joe Kerns" and "Steve Leismans". Those jobs are reserved for the few hundred of us who have absolutely no understanding of economics or financial markets, so that they can inevitably lead the rest who are dumb enough to follow to financial slaughter. In Jim Cramer's words ( And I hate to do this, and wouldn't, if it wasn't so appropriate...) "They know NOTHING!!"

Over the past year American's have watched the two biggest investments they made tank: being their homes and their stock portfolios, all of which due to no fault of there own, other than buying at the top. (I can't sympothizes over there 401k's there homes however is a different story, being that regardless of the housing market, if you need to buy a home, you need to buy a home. It's not like people can sell there properties and wait 9 months till the market declines to find a new place to live. Most American's have little to zero understanding of such things to begin with. They buy a home, they start a family and try to live the best life they can afford on there modest 9-5. These people cannot be blamed for this mess, or for trying honestly to grab there own little piece of happiness, or what we like to call "The American Dream".)

Bringing us back to today, American's are not fooled by the tricks in Washington. The value of their homes is significantly lower, the cost of living is significantly going higher, and the money that wasn't lost in market last year is sitting in a bank account, or even a mattress collecting zero interest and being devalued by each and every breath they take. This of course, is all while government numbers show 10% of America is unemployed and private studies show this number closer to 16%. They see what's going on, they just don't know what to do about it. Your voice has represented the voice of of the ignored and unheard American's. Those who claim to be "First in business worldwide" criticize and even insult you for anger and deep concern over our rampant and fruitless spending of money, growing debt and lack of results to show for it all. They want to imply that because of all of our debt that you hold that you are foolishly "shooting yourself in the foot by talking down the dollar" as if your talk is the sole reason for is plummeting. They want to believe that you are stuck with us, that we can get away with this and there is nothing you can do about it because ultimately, we are better than you. (All while these drastically miss informed, self proclaimed "know-it-all's" miss the fact that you have shortened your maturities, loaded up on gold and told your citizen's to do the same.) Well I assure you that the REAL America stands with you. The "fallacy" that a weaker dollar is good for anything is just that, and we know it. It will only be a matter of time before everybody realizes that their "weaker dollar is good" theory just got pushed to far, and shows no signs of stopping.

Please understand we live in what is viewed to be the land of the free. It is nothing of the sort, as history shall prove. We enslaved men based soely on the color of there skin. We imprisoned Japaneese men, women in children in "POW type camps" only fractionally better conditions than Nazi Germany gave to there Jewish prisoner's, based on the ludicrous theory that these American Citizens all must be spies. Let us not forget that this "free" country, during the worst economic conditions it had ever seen, during a time when it was most needed, our leaders elected to serve our best interests made private ownership of gold illegal.

Our leaders will never tell us to buy gold. There ego's are too large. They are incapable of believing that they cannot play God and fix everything themselves. They would have us die trusting them and there worthless paper money. The problem with America is that our citizen's don't know where to turn to preserve there wealth, so must have not tried or jumped back on the stock market bandwagon that they were so violently thrown off of just a short time ago.

The fact that Gold is a hedge against inflation is a universal truth. The fact that Gold is best used as a hedge against the trust you have in your government is something few American's are around still to remember, but will soon figure out quickly and painfully, as this "free" country's history has proven.

The poor fools on TV know nothing of "not repeating the same mistakes of the past", as the continue to poke the "Sleeping Dragon" over and over again, with utter disregard for the possible
consequences of their actions. They are NOT America.

America stands with you. The more this begins to unfold, I hope you are able to see that and not judge this whole country for what the few and the stupid will say when there's a camera in front of them.

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